
Families@Chemistry brings together some of the support available for all staff in the Department. It highlights details of mentoring, staff review, accommodation, working hours, flexible working hours, leave and childcare, providing appropriate links to key information webpages.

Pregnancy, maternity and paternity

At the Department of Chemistry postdocs are at a stage of their life where it's not uncommon to be considering pregnancy, maternity and/or paternity leave. Being in a research environment is unique and healthy and safety is of paramount importance. There may be specific risks which could affect the health and safety of expectant mothers and their future child, or new mothers returning to work. It is therefore essential to take into account health and safety risks to pregnant and new mothers in the workplace. The risk assessment form for expectant mothers can highlight such risks. Once the pregnant mother wishes to notify the department, maternity leave forms will need to be completed and returned to the admin office.

The Department of Chemistry wishes to provide support and advice in line with the University's policies and procedures regarding maternity, paternity and parental leaveFor further information regarding these issues, points of contact within the Department of Chemistry are:

  • Kathleen Pickett - Welfare, Training and Development Adviser (ext. 36448,
  • Richard Turner - Heath and Safety Officer (ext 63936,