The Postdoc Affairs Committee, also known as PDAC, represents contract research staff in the department.
Membership and remit
We are made up of a team of postdoctoral researchers, who volunteer to be on the committee. Our academic adviser is Dr Nick Bampos, and the department provides administrative and strategic support. Our remit is to be a forum to consider and discuss issues that are important to postdocs in the department, and to keep the Head of Department and Senior Management Team informed of postdocs' views and concerns.
Issues covered
We have a diverse postdoc community with a wide variety of concerns, and we are happy to hear what concerns you. We have found the following issues are especially relevant to postdocs:
- Employment – contracts, probation/mentoring, redundancy, maternity/paternity rights etc.
- Equality and Diversity
- Dignity at Work
- Welfare – induction, safety training, access to support services
- Training – on-the-job training, availability and suitability of training courses, training for supervisory roles taken on within research groups
- Career development – review, career advice and mentoring
- Staff review and personal development
- Representation and communication in the department
- Mentoring
Committee members
Contact us:
- We need to know about the important issues affecting you. Help us by getting in touch and telling us what you think. Please do come along to PDAC events, including our regular lunches, to meet members of the committee and fellow postdocs. Or get involved yourself!
- Visit our committee page for meeting agendas and minutes. All committee meetings are open to all postdocs.
- Email PDAC at chem-postdoc-affairs@lists.cam.ac.uk, or contact members individually.